
Press Releases

感謝各界支持,只剩餘 $38 門票!

A New Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Champion Will Be Crowned November 26th!

11月26日 8pm @ 大多倫多中華文化中心隆重舉行

欲免向隅,購票請瀏覽 www.MCTP2022.eventbrite.ca

「2022 多倫多華裔小姐競選」,這是疫情之後,首次回歸以實體形式進行的全城盛事。一眾候選佳麗現正密鑼緊鼓,積極排練,為即將舉行的總決賽努力備戰。  請各位火速購買門票,親臨現場見證2022多倫多華裔小姐的誕生。出席參予者均有機會贏得來回香港及多倫多機票一張,以及其他豐富獎品。詳情查詢,請致電 905-889-8090。

A New Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Champion Will Be Crowned November 26th!

Tickets are now on sale! To purchase tickets, please visit www.MCTP2022.eventbrite.ca!

The Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2022 prepares to make it's in-person return after the pandemic! Witness the transformation of our finalists as they compete for the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2022 Champion title and more in person! Attendees will also have the change to win a round-trip ticket from Toronto to Hong Kong, as well as other great prizes.

For more info, please call 905-889-8090.