年齡: 22
出生地點: 新加坡
身高: 5’9.5”
體重: 115 lbs
三圍: 33”/22”/34”
學歷: 大學
職業: 學生
語言: 英語、國語
星座: 射手座
興趣: 畫畫、彈鋼琴、拉小提琴、游泳、照顧小動物
志願/目標: 從事藝術行業
Age: 22
Place of Birth: Singapore
Height: 5’9.5”
Weight: 115 lbs
Measurement: 33”/22”/34”
Education: University
Occupation: Student
Languages Spoken: English, Mandarin
Horoscope: Sagittarius
Hobbies: Art (drawing, painting), music (piano and violin), swimming, taking care of/learning about animals
Ambition/ Goal: A career in the arts!
我會特別珍惜那些被愛包圍以及被真情溫暖的瞬間,總會一遍又一遍地重溫。 特別記得童年時參加其中一次鋼琴演奏會,結束時,媽媽送給我一個精美可愛的陶瓷娃娃。年少時的我生性活潑好動,而鋼琴老師是個非常嚴厲和注重演奏技巧細節專業的老師,在演奏會上她會特別獎勵那些“聽話的好孩子”。媽媽深知我的性格,擔心我會被冷落,也十分保護我純真的創造力。演奏會結束,當我站在台上謝幕時,媽媽特意走上台來,給我小瓷娃娃,娃娃的肚子裏藏著一張紙條,媽媽在上面寫着:「我為你感到驕傲。」 這件事是我童年時代經歷的很多很多值得記住的其中一個瞬間,不知道媽媽是否還記得,但是它和所有被愛和被祝福的瞬間一起填滿我美麗和溫馨的童年時代,陪伴着我一路長大。
This moment I will treasure and return to every time I need to be reminded of just how loved and blessed I am- my mother walking on stage to gift me a ceramic doll after one of the numerous piano recitals dotting my childhood. My early piano instructor came from an older school of thought; she was strict, to her younger and older students alike, and the only students that curried her favor were those who were able to meet her professional standards. She would award those who had received the highest merits in examinations publicly, during the recitals she held and my mother, worrying that I will feel left out, prepared a beautiful ceramic message doll for me in which she wrote on paper something along the lines of “I am proud of you”. I am not too sure if my mother still remembers this absolutely nurturing and touching act she did for me as it was but one of many however it is one of my most precious moments.
Fear. Fear of the unknown, of failure and of realizing our own limits.
I believe there is no better legacy than love and joy; if a person has been fortunate enough to have had been able to express and convey their love for the people in their lives and spread joy then they truly have lived a fulfilling life.
如果能夠無限循環播放 1995 年的《攻殼機動隊》(Ghost in the Shell),我會是個快樂的女孩! 影片中世界的建構、視覺效果和音效都讓我完全沉醉在一個如此超前的動畫世界中,時間似乎變成了永恆。 另外,電影所傳達的信息和警示也是富有內涵和值得深入思考的。
Put the 1995 “Ghost in the Shell” on an endless loop and I’ll be a happy girl! The world-building, visuals and ability to completely immerse you into an animated world was so ahead of its time that it’s practically timeless. The message and warning the film carries also makes it consumption that much more fruitful!
You don’t have to fit in, just never stop. Don’t settle, stay curious about the world and what is yours will find you.
I love the smell of paint because it reminds me of my childhood in Singapore.
Their actions because “words are cheap (and/or free)”!
If anything it may be my spontaneity! I am always ready for anything! Let’s make the most of today!
Sambal stingray, because it reminds me of my childhood in Singapore.
“If not you then who, if not now then when?” And also, that if you’re afraid to do something you really want to do someone else will do it for you!