
Press Releases


Witness The Crowning Of The Next Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Champion

9月3日,一班容貌出眾、氣質非凡、自信滿滿的女孩,經過專業評審團嚴謹面試甄選後,8位入圍的美女隨即與新時代電視簽約,正式成為2022年多倫多華裔小姐候選佳麗。接下來,她們將要接受一連串美容、化妝、儀態、cat walk、口才、舞蹈等密集訓練,為的是把她們塑造成魅力十足,從內到外都散發著迷人美態的佳麗。此外,候選佳麗還要拍攝造型照、宣傳短片、外景片段,以及展開不同的宣傳活動。


由新時代電視主辦,城市電視、加拿大中文電台及娛樂生活雜誌協辦之「2022 多倫多華裔小姐競選」,將於11月26日(星期六) 晚,假大多倫多中華文化中心隆重舉行。過去兩屆的華姐競選,由於疫情關係沒有觀眾在場參予,今年多倫多華裔小姐競選將會回歸以實體形式進行;其實,這也是萬眾期待的大型選美盛事,今年的觀眾可以再次親臨現場,見證2022多倫多華姐誕生的美麗時刻。


On September 3rd, an outstanding and extraordinary group of women bared their souls in-front of a professional judging, with 8 emerged from the battles. After signing their official Pageant contract with Fairchild Television, these 8 finalists will begin the most unique experience of their lives. In preparation for the Finals and to ensure that the showcase the best version of themselves on stage, these eight young women will undergo months of intensive training, including training in image, makeup, dancing, hair styling, mannerisms, and more. They will put their newfound skills to the test as they participate in promo shoots, press conferences, charity visits and other publicity events.

Witness the crowning of a new Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant champion on November 26th, 2022. Ticket sale details will be announced at a later date; make sure you stay tuned official MCTP channels and social media for more info!

Organized by Fairchild Television, and co-organized by Talentvision TV, Fairchild Radio and Popular Lifestyle Entertainment Magazine,  the finals for the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2022 will be held on November 26th, 2022 at the Chinese Cultural Centre Of Greater Toronto. This highly anticipated annual event will make its return with a live audience after adhering to local health directives since the start of the pandemic. The 2022 Champion will represent Toronto at the Miss Chinese International Pageant 2023.