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Meet The Judges!

Meet The Judges!

懷着緊張的心情,8位候選佳麗與評判 — 陳倩揚小姐、劉寶珍小姐、伍啟榮教授及潘宗明先生首度會面。評判團大派定心丸:只要表現真我,好好享受過程就已經足夠!各位候選佳麗好好加油!

即場見證冠軍誕生,可到 www.MCTP2022.eventbrite.ca 或致電 新時代電視 905-889-8090 查詢購票詳情。感謝支持,還剩餘少量 $38CAD 門票,到場觀眾更可參加大抽獎,包括來回多倫多香港機票一張!


The 8 finalists met with this year's judging panel! Comprised of Ms. Skye Chan, Ms. Jumbo Lau, Professor Albert Ng and Mr. Poon Chung Ming, the quartet offered advice to calm the nerves of the finalists before the big day.

Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Finals | November 26th @ Chinese Cultural Centre Of Greater Toronto

For ticket purchasing info, please visit www.MCTP2022.eventbrite.ca or call 905-889-8090.

Make sure you follow the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant on social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Weibo) for more BTS tidbits!

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